Lucky Horseshoe
Lucky Horseshoe
The horseshoe is A symbol of luck, protection, and prosperity. It's often hung above doors to bring good fortune to a household.
Since earliest times, man has believed that the U-shape or crescent was a powerful protective symbol: For the ancient Greeks, the horseshoe shape symbolised the crescent moon with links to the Moon goddesses Artemis and Diana. In ancient Celtic tradition (a culture not averse to great symbolism), horseshoe jewelry was used to ward off so-called mischievous fairies.
The story of the horseshoe myth:
The most striking and specific reference to the horseshoe as a protective (and lucky) symbol comes from ancient England: Here, lived a man named Dunstan (909 – 988 AD) who later on became the country’s favourite Saint. Whist doing some work as a blacksmith, Dunstan is said to have nailed a horseshoe to a horse. But, the horse was actually the Devil in disguise and it caused the Devil great pain. Dunstan was said to have agreed to remove the shoe and release the Devil only after he promised never to enter a house (like his) which was displaying a horseshoe. And so, the symbol of protection and goodness arose.
How to hang your horseshoe
In the past, sailors used to nail a horseshoe to the mast of their ship to help their vessel avoid bad weather, storms and disaster. Normally they would nail it “facing up” to catch all the falling luck. But this brings us to the question: How do you hang a horseshoe for good luck? Is it bad luck to hang a horseshoe upside down? What does it mean when a horseshoe is upside down? Sailors normally nail it “facing up” to catch all the falling luck. But fishermen (also sailors of course) tend to nail the horseshoes “upside down” so that any luck falls down into their nets. The same would go for your home, outside hanging facing up to catch all the good luck, inside facing down so it spreads the good luck around your home.
Where do we get our horseshoes?
Our horseshoes come from a whit stallion in NH by the name of Artemis. They have not been cleaned so May contain dirt and or nails. The reason for this is they have been blessed by the horses hooves so we like to keep the blessing right where it is.
These make perfect gifts for new homeowners or apartment dwellers and wedding gifts. They also make for good protection against negative energies of old homes because they are made of cold iron.
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