Smudge sticks are bundles of dried herbs that are burned to create smoke for cleansing, purification, and protection. The practice of smudging is believed to have many physical, spiritual, and psychological benefits.
White sage: Used to clear negative energy, improve mood, and reduce stress
Cedar: Used to purify places, objects, and people
Rosemary: A rosemary smudge is A bundle of rosemary branches that is burned to cleanse a space of negative energy. Rosemary is known for its fresh, spicy scent and is believed to promote peace and calm
Chakra Smudge: Chakra sage is a type of sage that's used for smudging, a traditional Native American practice that cleanses and purifies a persons energy field in space.It's also thought to help balance the chakras, which are energy centers in the body
Dragons Blood:Connect you to your spiritual self. Calm your mind and promote relaxation. Offer protection against spiritual attacks and evil eye. Bring good luck and prosperity.