Witches Bells are to be hung on a door or anywhere you feel is the best place to block negativity and protect the environment in which you live, work, visit or rest.
The ring of a bell is symbolic of creative forces, evoking good energy, and clear thoughts. For this reason, the bell has long been believed to repel evil spirits, and as such "witches' bells" would be hung upon doors and other entry ways to protect the home. The tone and vibration of the bells are said to banish unwanted spirits and negative energies, call in positive energetic influences and clear stagnant energy in the home. Witches Bells are hung on doors and made with natural elements to assist in welcoming good prosperity to home owners and create a welcoming environment for travelers near and far.
These Witches Bells measure 4-5" please keep in mind they are made by hand and may differ in size. They come with your stone of choice, and your choice of a pheasant feather. Pheasant feathers symbolize the Air Element, helping you turn your thoughts to the energies of dreams, higher awareness, and personal aspiration for a cleaner more protected surrounding.